Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Plan executed

I know! I have been a blog slacker. I do have an excuse though I have been in Indiana for the last four days helping a friend take pictures for a wedding. While there, I went on a six mile hike, around a huge lake known as Tipsaw aka a place to get nasty turkey ticks. And am I ever paying for it. Do they do hip replacements for people my age? It did however jump start my work out/exercise/get my big fat butt in my bridesmaid dress plan. Tonight after supper, Candace(the other depressed bridesmaid) and I went on our brisk 30 minute walk around the neighborhood. I will keep you posted on that one and I will be posting an updated picture of "the dress." dun...dun....dunnnnnnnnnnn! Is that how you spell the dramatic dun dun?

Yours Truly,


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